My Acceptance Letter–And How I Got Here

Somehow, in the process of submitting my mission papers, I didn’t quite realize that I would be required to actually write a letter directly to the First Presidency in order to accept the call.  When I got my call and read the accompanying packet, I was a little intimidated–what could I possibly have to say to the Brethren?  I think this is probably the reaction a lot of new missionaries have.

I’ve put it off for about a week. I think that (at least in part) this was because I hadn’t really accepted the call in my heart, not fully  This morning, I felt that it was time for me to write it.  It was time for me to put my whole heart and soul into this.

Problem was, I had no idea what to say.  I imagined that missionaries normally talked about their excitement and enthusiasm to serve in their assigned missions, but I felt that it would be dishonest for me to say that.  I’m getting to the point where I can be excited, but mostly I was overwhelmed.  Before my morning scripture study, I prayed that I would be blessed to be able to write sincerely.  What followed was nothing short of a miracle.

After I finished my scripture study, I pulled out the form that came with my call packet and a piece of scratch paper on which to write a draft.  As I wrote, I felt the Spirit teaching me about the Savior.  I wrote the words, but I don’t think they came from me.  I’m so grateful that the Lord taught me about His work and gave me greater faith through this experience.

 “Dear Brethren: 

I hereby gratefully accept the call to serve.  It is a miracle–even a marvelous work–to be called through Priesthood authority to serve the Savior of the World Himself in helping to invite our Heavenly Father’s children to come unto Christ: to cast their burdens upon His shoulders and to follow Him, that they might have eternal life.  I am humbled by this opportunity, and I understand that to fulfill this call will require everything that I have and everything that I am.  It is a charge I could not hope to fill without the power and guidance of the Lord.  I understand that I too must rely wholly on the merits of Him Who is mighty to save.  Without Him I am nothing, but through His power, I have faith that I will be able to fulfill this calling in a manner that is pleasing unto Him.  I thank you sincerely for your selfless service.” 

My prayer was answered.  The Lord gave me the words, and He taught me about His work.  Through the Spirit, I was taught precious truths about the Savior, and my need for Him.  I realized that it is through faith in Jesus Christ that I can accomplish anything at all in His service.  As the song goes, I feel that “I too can testify.  This is the Christ.”  Like Ammon, I would say, “Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things” (Alma 26:12).

This is Christ’s Church, brothers and sisters, and our charge as missionaries is to invite people to come unto Him.  It is only through Him that they can be saved.  I have been blessed to feel His influence in my life, and I invite you to feel His influence also.  Read His words, and listen to the words of His prophets.  He loves you.  He wants you to follow Him.  I’d like to share with you the following from one of my very favorite talks by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (which I would recommend you read, here):

I testify from the bottom of my heart, with the intensity of my soul, to all who can hear my voice that those apostolic keys have been restored to the earth, and they are found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To those who have not yet joined with us in this great final cause of Christ, we say, “Please come.” To those who were once with us but have retreated, preferring to pick and choose a few cultural hors d’oeuvres from the smorgasbord of the Restoration and leave the rest of the feast, I say that I fear you face a lot of long nights and empty nets. The call is to come back, to stay true, to love God, and to lend a hand. I include in that call to fixed faithfulness every returned missionary who ever stood in a baptismal font and with arm to the square said, “Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ.” That commission was to have changed your convert forever, but it was surely supposed to have changed you forever as well. To the youth of the Church rising up to missions and temples and marriage, we say: “Love God and remain clean from the blood and sins of this generation. You have a monumental work to do, underscored by that marvelous announcement President Thomas S. Monson made yesterday morning. Your Father in Heaven expects your loyalty and your love at every stage of your life.”

To all within the sound of my voice, the voice of Christ comes ringing down through the halls of time, asking each one of us while there is time, “Do you love me?” And for every one of us, I answer with my honor and my soul, “Yea, Lord, we do love thee.” And having set our “hand to the plough,” we will never look back until this work is finished and love of God and neighbor rules the world.” 

May you and I together forever serve the Lord our God, never forgetting that we are ransomed through the blood of Christ and that “with his stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).  May we never let go of the rod–the word of God–that Nephi spoke of when he said “whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction” (1 Nephi 15:24)

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